Dating App Hygiene

If you're burnt out by dating online, you're wary of using the tool or you need a structure to guide you, dating app hygiene provides you a funnel system to filter the dating pool based on information you provide.
  • Lola Jean
  • 27 page worksheet PLUS a series of videos
Write your awesome label here.
Course overview
PART 1: The Values List

PART 2: Offerings

PART 3: The Profile

PART 4: The Swipe

PART 5: The Date

PART 6: Intentional Dating

BONUS: Vetting

BONUS: Rejection

This process Is for You whether you're looking for something serious, casual, casually serious or seriously casual.

  • You're feeling burnt out by dating apps
  • You tend to get "lost in the sauce" and ignore red flags
  • You're new to online dating
  • You feel like no one meets your list of "must-haves"
  • You're looking to date (or hook-up) with intention
A system based on your own values will both help you filter out people as well as allowing them to opt out before you get invested.

Dating hygiene is not just for the swiping stages
, if you feel like you tend to get lost in the sauce of new relationship energy it may be helpful to reference your values list to the person you’re enamored with to see if they align.
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